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IAGP is a volunteer organization, comprised of professionals who work with groups. That includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, management consultants and other mental health professionals. Many of them are leaders in their own fields, which includes group analysis, psychodrama, art therapists and organizational consultants, education and research. Established as a non-profit organization in 1973, by Jacob Levi Moreno, who reached out to many group specialists in various disciplines. For fifty years IAGP has held Congresses every three years, with a few exceptions—due to a war and a pandemic—and in between, it has organized regional conferences. It is the only global organization devoted to group work in all its forms, and is run by volunteers. Nobody is employed by IAGP, and it has been supported by membership fees and donations.
Recently, we have recognized the growing need to offer our help in troubled areas around the world. As we developed training programs, many group leaders emerged in numerous countries. To meet the growing need for our services, we have reached a juncture which necessitates mobilizations of trained group workers to devote time, knowledge and energy. It also means expanding our services to recruit people and to find local facilities and resources. For these reasons we are reaching out for more donations and for grants from charitable organizations. Thus, American members have decided to form the American Friends of IAGP (AFOIAGP), which was registered in Springfield, Illinois and received a tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service at the department of Treasury (503 C (3). Donations to AFOIAGP are tax exempt.
To donate via bank transfer, please send an email or fill out the form. The account number of American Friends of IAGP will be emailed to you.