A Report from the Antalya Conference
IAGP President's Report from Antalya
Dear Colleagues, Dear Participants,
IAGP continues to carry out qualified studies with the knowledge and experience it has received from its past for 50 years.
As IAGP, which has organized many symposiums, panels, workshops, seminars, conferences and congressess in the field of professional development so far, we are organizing the IAGP 5th. Regional Mediterranean Conference for Trauma and Disaster with the main theme of “Collective Trauma and Group: Transforming Individual Suffering" in our 50th year.
In our conference to be held between 2-5 November 2023; In many sub-headings focusing on the practices of Trauma and Disaster related to professional and academic accumulation, there will be panels, workshops, symposiums, training courses and seminars in which very valuable academicians, educators and professional masters participate as speakers and moderators.
On the first day of our conference, Thursday, November 2, 2023, we will hold a preworkshop under two very important topics and with the participation of very valuable experts. Our congress will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 2-5, 2023. In our conference, where parallel meetings will be held in 12 separate halls, our participants will have the opportunity to join to the meetings.
We invite everyone who works or plans to work in the field to our congress, where Group Psychotherapists, Psychodramatists, Group Analysts, All Group Processes who work with trauma and disaster, Mental health specialists, Young academicians, professionals and students, who are accepted as mental health specialties in the USA, EU and many developed world countries, will benefit to the maximum extent.
You can easily register for the IAGP 5th Regional Mediterranean Conference, which will be held in Antalya, Turkey, from our Conference Web page.